Take advantage of the low season to build your tech stack

Numerous tools and technological innovations allow you to follow the evolution of travellers' demands.
Change your PMS during the low season

It is crucial that your vacation rental business is supported by a robust PMS that centralizes and automates all your operations.
How to prepare your accommodation for winter?

The winter holidays are approaching and it is time to prepare your accommodation for the occasion!
Update your ads for the off-season

The low season is often a source of concern for property managers: tourists are scarce and occupancy rates drop.
Action Plan: How to protect your ecosystem from COVID-19

In the current health context, travellers have expressed their fears about the risks of contamination when travelling.
How to maintain an optimal customer experience in the context of a health crisis?

Find out how to continue building a customer experience based on personal relationships, respect, loyalty and satisfaction in this unique environment.
7 tips to protect yourself against wild parties: The party is over!

In the current climate, the decline in the number of bookings coupled with the risk of damage from lockdown parties is a real threat to the entire industry. So what can you do as a host to prevent these events from taking place in your properties?
Swikly is supported by the HUB612, incubator of the Caisse d'Epargne Rhône Alpes

Since 2016, Swikly has been supported by the HUB612, the HUB for supporting Tech startups of the Caisse d'Epargne Rhône Alpes.
Swikly has a new look: What our branding tells you

After five years, the Swikly brand is getting an update! Find out what you can learn from this branding for YOUR brand.
Recontracting : Aid to tourism businesses

Find out what social benefits you are entitled to as a result of this new confinement.